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Our Purpose

It is our goal to empower one and all to better understand nature and its ability to heal.

Building on our purpose to empower one and all with a deeper understanding of nature's healing potential, we craft skincare products with meticulous care in New Zealand. Our commitment extends beyond skincare as we strive to enhance overall well-being and promote better health and skin through our wellness products. Together, we embrace the harmony of nature to nurture your beauty and vitality.

Our Values

We T.E.L.L. it like it is.

t our core, "We T.E.L.L. It Like it Is" embodies our brand ethos. Transparency is our guiding light, ensuring that every aspect of our skincare journey is open and honest. We empower individuals through the knowledge we share, fostering a deeper connection with nature's healing potential. Our commitment to creating products with lasting results reflects our dedication to your well-being. Above all, it's the love we infuse into every formulation and interaction that sets us apart, because we believe that true beauty and empowerment begin with authenticity and care.


A Note from our Founder

Our purpose is to empower one and all to harness nature's healing power while upholding our core values: Transparency, Empowerment, Lasting Results, and Love (T.E.L.L.).

We're dedicated to transparency, ensuring you have complete trust in our products and processes. Our aim is to empower you with knowledge, helping you make informed choices when it comes to skincare and self-care. We strive to provide skincare products that deliver lasting results, reflecting our dedication to your skin and health. Above all, it's the love we infuse into every product that sets us apart.

We invite you to join us on this journey of authenticity and empowerment. Together, we T.E.L.L. it like it is, because true beauty begins with honesty and care.

With Gratitude Sonam

The Brand

Mid 2011

Early 2012 Sonam was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition. Due to this, she was asked to avoid all things produced synthetically. These included packaged food that was high in sodium or skincare products that contained parabens and sulfates.

Mid 2011
Late 2012<br> Early 2013

Late 2012
Early 2013

Sonam began to witness an improvement in her health, which also reflected on her skin as her adult acne began to disappear. From cooking her own meals to making her own skincare products, taking matters into her hands helped. She truly understood nature and its ability to heal.


Her friends and family started to see a significant improvement in her skin which led to Sonam sharing her DIYs with them.

Early 2015

Early 2015

Her friends and family continuously asked her to create products that would last longer than a day or two, even if placed in the fridge. Sonam was unable to accomplish this, without having to compromise on the high standard she had built for herself with regards to quality, cleanliness and potency. The only way she would be able to do this was if she sought out a full fledged manufacturing facility.


Her friends and family encouraged her to create products for them that would last longer than a day or two, but Sonam was unable to accomplish this. She ensured the products stayed true to their quality, potency, and cleanliness, and no compromises were made there. The only way to achieve this was to seek out a full-fledged manufacturing facility.



With a desire to help and constantly give back to the community, Sonam decided that if she cannot create and share products as per her capacity, she could help through health coaching. So she continued to do so alongside her family business.


She married the love of her life and on her honeymoon to New Zealand, she noticed some wonderfully created skincare products. And so she thought of just curating a line of skincare products that she can vouch for. Thorough with her research, Sonam also decided to learn more about brands and their end-to-end process. During her research, she ended up calling a lab and shared one of her formulations with them they believed they could make it.



8 years of formulating and 3 years of working to bring these formulas to the shelf, Founders Beauty arrived and how!


Many rounds of formulating and one pandemic later, Founders Beauty has launched 3 products with 3 more in line.
